Patterns: Writing a step component

Step components are great, the problem is that they can get messy when we have a complex pipeline.

If you can find a package/library/module that implements some kind of state machine in your programming language, that is fine.

Here is one idea of how we can archive this with our bear hands...

The idea

Each step knows to which step it should go next, but they don't know how to get there. We can delegate this responsibility to a controller.

Step controller

The controller will be responsible to instantiate/render the initial step, and, will give to the step all the necessary functions to move around.

Here is an interface to illustrate.

interface StepController {
  void goToStep(step);
  // T represents additional stuff you can pass
  // if you need extra functionality like submit function...
  void forward(T env);
  void back(T env);

Step component

Every step must implement back and next and they must return a Step, or, return a step in an asynchronous structure that your language supports, like async/await, Promise, Future<Step>...

interface Step {
  Step | Async<Step> back();
  Step | Async<Step> next();

With React

Managing the state is not a problem, you can use either useState, useReducer...